Reading List:
Recommended Books for Witches and Occultists
This curated reading list is designed for seekers who want to explore core texts on Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca, and occult practices. From foundational texts on Hermeticism to the lives and teachings of the founders of Alexandrian Witchcraft, these books provide both historical depth and practical knowledge.
Why Read These Books?
Each book on this list serves as a guide to the philosophy, history, and practice of Witchcraft. Whether you are new to the Craft or looking to refine your knowledge, this selection is crafted to support your journey toward initiation and deeper understanding.
Traditional seeker's must read
The titles below are suggested for learning more about Alexandrian traditional work and Alexandrian Witchcraft's worldview.

What Witches Do: a modern coven revealed by Stewart Farrar
This classic book explores the practices of an Alexandrian coven from an initiate’s perspective. It offers a firsthand account of Alexandrian Witchcraft. Farrar guides readers through rituals, ceremonies, and magical practices, weaving personal insights with academic depth to reveal the nuances of the Craft.
Traditional Wicca: a seeker's guide by Thorn Mooney
Mooney’s work is ideal for anyone curious about joining a traditional coven. It clarifies common misconceptions about traditional Wicca, offering guidance on what to expect when joining a coven and deepening one’s understanding of the traditional path.

Wicca Magical Beginnings by Sorita d'Este and David Rankine
By tracing the evolution of these practices over time, the authors shed light on the diverse influences that shaped initiatory witchcraft. The book explores historical sources, clearly describes symbols, tools, and rituals, and bridges the gap between past and present, offering a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
Foundational Works in Hermetic and Occult Philosophy
The titles below are suggested to learn more about occultism in general.

The Corpus Hermeticum by Hermes Trimegistus
This ancient text blends Egyptian, Greek, and Hellenistic influences to offer insights into spirituality and the mysteries of existence. Essential for those interested in understanding Hermeticism’s role in the occult.

Psychic Self-Defense by Dion Fortune
Psychic Self-Defense provides valuable insights into psychic phenomena and the practical techniques to protect oneself from potential psychic attacks. Fortune, an accomplished occultist and esoteric practitioner, examines various psychic threats and disturbances, ranging from energy drains to psychic vampirism. The author delves into the psychological factors that can make individuals vulnerable to psychic attacks and provides strategies for bolstering mental and emotional stability.

Magical Ritual Methods by William G. Gray
Gray’s dense yet profound work explores the essential components of magical ritual. This book is recommended for serious students interested in understanding the core principles behind effective ritual practice.
Alexandrian Witchcraft's Founders and Initiates
The titles below are suggested to learn more about Alexandrian's Founders and Alexandrian Witchcraft's world view.

The Alex Sanders Lectures
by Alex Sanders
The Alex Sanders Lectures consist of lectures designed by Sanders for the Witchcraft students who could attend in person in his London apartment. They have been edited and rewritten to suit the needs of correspondents unable to receive personal attention or who desire more than a vague look into Witchcraft.
The book aims to take the near beginner through all the aspects of British Traditional Witchcraft and help prepare them for initiation into the Craft.

King of The Witches
by June Johns
"King of the Witches" is Alex Sanders' biography and a good reference for anyone interested in his life and work and the formative years of modern witchcraft. Johns' meticulous research and nuanced portrayal of Sanders shed light on the multifaceted character who played a pivotal role in developing contemporary witchcraft.

by Maxine Sanders
As a co-founder of the Alexandrian Witchcraft alongside her late husband, Alex Sanders, Maxine Sanders presents a personal memoir and spiritual journey that chronicles Sanders' life in the Craft, from her early initiation and training to her role as a high priestess and teacher. She reflects on her experiences sharing the joys and challenges of a life dedicated to Witchcraft. The book offers a valuable resource for those interested in understanding Alexandrian unique approach to witchcraft.

A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook
by Janet and Stewart Farrar
A comprehensive guide to rituals, practices, and the ethics of modern Witchcraft.
This volume by two key figures in Alexandrian Witchcraft covers the foundations of Wiccan rituals, the Wheel of the Year, and essential practices within a traditional coven. Ideal for those interested in both practical knowledge and deeper philosophical understanding.

Initiation into Witchcraft
by Brian Cain
Initiation into Witchcraft is an exploration of the timeless traditions, essential ethics, and the awe-inspiring power of our Craft, as well as providing basic practices that will help readers embrace the deeper ways of the Witch. It is a signpost for those seeking the path that begins the journey of initiation into Witchcraft.
Esoterism and more​
Collected Works of Eliphas Levi
Key Texts: 'Dogma and Ritual of High Magic' and 'The History of Magic'
It is a must-read for those interested in the philosophical foundations of magic and its practices across history.
The Lesser Key of Solomon
This grimoire offers insight into ceremonial magic and demonology, with Mathers’ and Crowley’s translations being the most widely studied.
The Book of Abramelin the Mage
There are many versions available. Mathers’ translation was the most used by our Craft elders, but it has a grimoire that has influenced generations of practitioners. However, it is recommended to explore multiple translations to grasp its full depth.
Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa
A comprehensive exploration of Renaissance magic and its influence on modern occult traditions.
Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon
Ideal for those who wish to explore practical methods of personal and spiritual development rooted in Hermetic principles.
The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft by Ronald Hutton
Hutton’s research thoroughly and objectively examines Wicca’s historical origins and development in the 20th century. This text is invaluable.
Why Are These Books Essential for Seekers?
Each title on this list provides a well-rounded understanding of the spiritual, philosophical, and historical context of Alexandrian Witchcraft and occult practices.​​
For additional guidance or questions about joining our coven, contact the North Coven.